What it Takes to Turn Your Publishing Dreams into Reality

What it Takes to Turn Your Publishing Dreams into Reality

Here’s a short story…

The other week I was talking to a friend of mine who recently lost his day job. The company was downsizing with the current state of the economy. As we continued with the conversation it was clear he was in a very positive mindset and what seemed like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders.

What would otherwise have been a terrible event, he saw a new opportunity that was just given to him. He talked about how this was the long needed kick in the pants he needed from a job he no longer jumped out of bed for and how he’ll now focus on what really makes him happy, what gets him out of bed in the morning.

For him it was taking his passion of photography and making the transition from moonlighting to a full photography business. After a couple hours, two coffees and a handshake later, he was off to prep for his next photo shoot.

A cup half full?

This had me thinking about the qualities in different people and why some people have the ability to adapt and make things happen and the one’s who don’t. Is it a specific trait that separates them? Maybe, but I think people who make their dreams come true have a certain mindset, seeing things from a different perspective which helps them draw from within, overcome adversity and reach for their dreams.

This had me thinking about what motivates and inspires me every day. One of things I get buzzed about with my job is helping writers and authors. The fulfillment of helping people with their publishing pursuits and reaching their goals of becoming an author.

Seeing those smiles as they make a few bucks, having small successes with their marketing platforms and having readers enjoy their stories over a hot cup of coffee.

Every now and then when things get a little tough, balancing all that needs to be done I draw on what drives and motivates me and it becomes clear that it’s all worth while and I wouldn’t be doing anything else.

The path to reaching your goals starts with answering questions that pop up in your mind:

  • What will people think of me?
  • Am I strong enough?
  • Why am I really going to do it?

What’s really evident for myself and having talked to successful friends of mine, is it all comes down to one defining question.

How hungry are you and are you willing to do what it takes?

Before you answer too quickly remember it’s inevitable you will hit roadblocks that test you, making you feel your dream is just that much farther away. This is life’s way of asking you, ‘how much do you want this, I’m testing you!’

Beware those Naysayers!

We all know they’re out there and sometimes it seems that when your working for something you want, those voices seem more vocal than ever. ‘What are you doing!’ they’ll say, ‘get real that doesn’t really happen in life’.

This is where you can draw strength from the fact that, often the reason they say this is because the new positive change your making threatens them, the risk you’re willing to take for happiness scares them and ultimately reminds them of what they’re too scared to do for themselves. I agree with Tony Robbins on this.

Ask those who have stood against these Naysayers. Renowned  entrepreneur and author Richard Branson (Losing My Virginity: How I’ve Survived…) might be the billionaire you know today, but only because he defied those who said he couldn’t rent a plane, couldn’t diversify to go on to survive near-death corporate experiences, a balloon crash, airline debauches and being left out at sea.

Australian author Rachael Birmingham of the 4 ingredients books, self published her first three titles to become a best-selling author. How? she believed in herself, marched past the Naysayers, brushed off many rejections and worked her butt off for five years to reach her publishing dream.

These people are where they are today because they know what drives them, why they want it and ignore all the Naysayers. Through their ups and downs they believed in themselves, understood the required investment of time and money and that the goal is worth it because of the reasons they have behind it.

I think happiness and fulfillment comes from within and drives your reasoning, motivation, gives you strength and the will to help recognise opportunities that will turn your publishing dreams into a reality, just as my friend discovered with the opportunity presented to him.

How about you?
How’s your journey going of turning your publishing dreams into reality?


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