This came as a surprise announcement, even to me!
Recently the Association of Independent Authors (AiA) was receiving nominations from writers and authors for websites they felt were great resources.
The criteria for eligible websites was that they needed to be relevant and valuable, providing free information, resources and services. Commercial websites which offered services had to also offer free information and relevant resources.
The AiA received 138 nominations and I’m proud to say Book Cover Cafe was one of the few websites selected for the ‘Best Websites for Independent Authors‘ Award.
But more importantly…
I’m delighted that the site is proving to be a valuable resource. This feedback encourages myself and Book Cover Cafe to constantly strive forward and provide the best advice and services. With so much misleading information going around, my goal is to have Book Cover Cafe continue to be a trusted, constant, reliable destination for writers and authors looking to independently publish.
Everyone, thanks so much for your nominations.
Big thanks to the AiA for the recognition and consideration.
Thanks for the emails of gratitude and curious questions.
Thanks for the inspiration you give me every day.
Thanks for your support.
Now, let’s keep kicking those goals!
Onwards and upwards!